Our customers:
- Our customers should be impressed with our performance and recommend us to others as a result.
- Our Customers wishes and needs are at the centre of our thoughts and actions.
- Our customers are primarily medium to large industrial companies. We are pleased to work together with customer who challenge us and demand a lot from us. We are prepared to learn from our customers and expect fair recompense from them in return.
Our Employees:
- Our employees should gain enriching professional experience in a pleasant atmosphere and enjoy their work.
- We believe in the strength of our dynamic team in which everybody gives their best.
- Everybody has the right to make mistakes, but is also under an obligation to learn from them.
- We strive to achieve the highest quality and demonstrate special care in dealing with our customers.
Our expertise:
- We are a family-owned company, dedicated to continuity as well as being open to new ideas. The way in which our employees and customers work together should be based on mutual trust.
- Our expertise is our technical knowledge in special areas of fine chemistry combined with our many years of know-how.
- We cooperate with our customers in fields that are technically challenging. Together we create improvements by optimising process sequences with custom-tailored and efficient products.
- Our quality advantage is also ensured by maintaining our international cooperations and partnerships.
Expert and Dedicated
Georg BauerManaging Partner
“As owner of the company and CEO, I am the contact person for all stakeholders concerning the business. Our customers’ issues are as important to me as those of my employees. I always have the big picture in view. It is the balance between ongoing business operations and strategic thinking that makes a company fit for the future. Only satisfied employees create satisfied customers.”
Email: gb@agatex.at
Phone +43 (7245) 32 3 41-0
Nikolaus Bauer-HarnoncourtMember of the Management Board
“As a member of the 5th generation, long-term thinking paired with a down-to-earth approach is one of the most important values for me in order to lead the family business safely into the future. This can also be seen in our collaboration with our stakeholders: we always focus on long-term partnerships at eye level and are always looking for solutions that benefit both sides equally.”
Email: nb@agatex.at
Phone +43 (7245) 32 3 41-0
Wolfgang NavratilHead of Fine Chemistry
“In addition to technical expertise in chemical products and new developments on the market, it is very important to me that we keep in personal contact with our customers. Only real interest in the mutual development of customer-specific solutions convinces customers over the long term. Customer-oriented thinking and commitment are the foundations for long-term business relations.”
Email: wn@agatex.at
Phone +43 (7245) 32 3 41-35
Mobil +43 (676) 356 80 18
Andreas ReichlHead of Cooling and Air Con technology
“The cooling and air conditioning sector is an extremely dynamic business, where legal frameworks are continuously changing and product innovations come and go. Our quality philosophy applies to our own products as much as to the sales of other manufacturers’ products. Our product range covers a wide area; both in refrigerants as well as ancillary products.”
Email: ar@agatex.at
Phone +43 (7245) 32 3 41-36
Mobil +43(664) 214 11 11